# This file is a part of Dramatiq.
# Copyright (C) 2017,2018 CLEARTYPE SRL <[email protected]>
# Dramatiq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# Dramatiq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time
import traceback
from ..common import compute_backoff
from ..errors import Retry
from ..logging import get_logger
from .middleware import Middleware
#: The default minimum amount of backoff to apply to retried tasks.
#: The default maximum amount of backoff to apply to retried tasks.
#: Must be less than the max amount of time tasks can be delayed by.
DEFAULT_MAX_BACKOFF = 86400000 * 7
class Retries(Middleware):
"""Middleware that automatically retries failed tasks with
exponential backoff.
Disabling this middleware will cause messages that fail due to
exceptions to be marked 'done' rather than 'failed'. If you don't
want actors to retry automatically, it's better to set their
``max_retries`` options to ``0`` than to remove this middleware.
If you need to intentionally retry an actor and you don't want the
exception to get logged, then consider raising the
:class:`Retry<dramatiq.Retry>` exception from within your actor.
Actors that have their ``throws`` option set to an exception class
or a tuple of exception classes will not be retried if one of
those exceptions is raised within them. For example::
>>> @actor(throws=(RuntimeError,))
... def example():
... raise RuntimeError("never retried")
max_retries(int): The maximum number of times tasks can be retried.
min_backoff(int): The minimum amount of backoff milliseconds to
apply to retried tasks. Defaults to 15 seconds.
max_backoff(int): The maximum amount of backoff milliseconds to
apply to retried tasks. Defaults to 7 days.
retry_when(Callable[[int, Exception], bool]): An optional
predicate that can be used to programmatically determine
whether a task should be retried or not. This takes
precedence over `max_retries` when set.
on_retry_exhausted(str): Name of an actor to send a message to when
message is failed due to retries being exceeded.
def __init__(self, *, max_retries=20, min_backoff=None, max_backoff=None, retry_when=None):
self.logger = get_logger(__name__, type(self))
self.max_retries = max_retries
self.min_backoff = min_backoff or DEFAULT_MIN_BACKOFF
self.max_backoff = max_backoff or DEFAULT_MAX_BACKOFF
self.retry_when = retry_when
def actor_options(self):
return {
def after_process_message(self, broker, message, *, result=None, exception=None):
if exception is None:
actor = broker.get_actor(message.actor_name)
throws = message.options.get("throws") or actor.options.get("throws")
if throws and isinstance(exception, throws):
self.logger.info("Aborting message %r.", message.message_id)
retries = message.options.setdefault("retries", 0)
message.options["retries"] += 1
message.options["traceback"] = traceback.format_exc(limit=30)
message.options["requeue_timestamp"] = int(time.time() * 1000)
max_retries = message.options.get("max_retries", actor.options.get("max_retries", self.max_retries))
retry_when = actor.options.get("retry_when", self.retry_when)
if retry_when is not None and not retry_when(retries, exception) or \
retry_when is None and max_retries is not None and retries >= max_retries:
self.logger.warning("Retries exceeded for message %r.", message.message_id)
target_actor_name = message.options.get("on_retry_exhausted") or actor.options.get("on_retry_exhausted")
if target_actor_name:
target_actor = broker.get_actor(target_actor_name)
"retries": retries,
"max_retries": max_retries,
if isinstance(exception, Retry) and exception.delay is not None:
delay = exception.delay
min_backoff = message.options.get("min_backoff", actor.options.get("min_backoff", self.min_backoff))
max_backoff = message.options.get("max_backoff", actor.options.get("max_backoff", self.max_backoff))
max_backoff = min(max_backoff, DEFAULT_MAX_BACKOFF)
_, delay = compute_backoff(retries, factor=min_backoff, max_backoff=max_backoff)
self.logger.info("Retrying message %r in %d milliseconds.", message.message_id, delay)
broker.enqueue(message, delay=delay)